Refund Policy

Return & Refund Policy

If you are not satisfied within 30 days from the delivery date, you may contact Vi Support to return the unused portion of the product for a full refund of the product purchase amount, minus shipping and handling charges incurred. After 30 days, and up to 90 days post-purchase, you may contact Vi Support to return the remaining sellable portion of the product for a full refund on the returned items, minus shipping and handling charges incurred.


Subscribe & Save Cancellation

Please login to your account at to cancel or modify your Subscribe & Save at any time, without penalty. By selecting the "Subscribe & Save" option on the website, you are giving Vi authorization to enroll you in the automatic shipping program. Vi will ship your products directly to you. You are also authorizing Vi to charge your credit card for the products you have ordered on a monthly basis. You may cancel at any time without obligation and without penalty online by logging into your account at All Subscribe & Save cancellations must be performed or delivered to Vi within 3 business days of the next shipment to guarantee cancellation of that shipment.